”Have The Extraordinary
Love You Want”
Journey Into The Heart: A 12-Week Love Manifestation Circle

A live deep-dive program for women who are tired of putting their love life on the back burner and ready to HAVE THE EXTRAORDINARY LOVE YOU WANT……AND DESERVE!

Along with a supportive, positive circle of sisters, step into your FEMININE POWER, remove your BLOCKS TO LOVE and dive into matters of the heart-those we sweep under the carpet or don’t
even know exist (subconscious blocks).

Are You Ready
To Get The Love You Truly Want?

  • Do you keep attracting the unavailable man? Or, attracting the same type of man who does not in the end give you what you want?Are you a strong, independent, successful woman?

  • Are you strong on the outside yet soft and tender on the inside and tired of holding it all together?

  • Do you feel like you sabotage your own love story?

  • Do you want to be successful in love?

  • Are you use to ‘earning’ what you want in every area of your life? With true love, you can't earn it. 
    You EMBODY it.

Please Join us!

I invite you to join me and a small and select group
of woman on this Journey Into The Heart

If you are SINGLE you will attract your perfect partner for you!
If you are IN A RELATIONSHIP, you will find new levels of commitment and passionate love.

You long to have somebody who loves, cherishes and respects you; somebody who’s got your back and loves you for who you are; someone who is ready to make a commitment to YOU. And yet there are some blocks or fear or resistance because of past relationships or marriage. Maybe you have some fear around commitment too. Maybe getting back in the dating world and into a relationship feels overwhelming or even impossible, but, we can't let deep love in without releasing the old pain and patterns first.

When you look deep inside, your heart reveals to you that you want so much more love than you currently have; that you are actually ready for partnership and deep down more than anything, you want that. But for successful, independent, strong women, there is a lot of fear and resistance to admitting this. After all, you are used to doing things your way, and your life is pretty good, and your are pretty happy. And, if he came along, that would be great. But if he didn’t, it wasn’t meant to be anyway, right! ….I knew this story all too well.

This is Why Journey Into The Heart: Get The Love You Want was created

Women come to me all the time not sure why, when they had invested time and work into a relationship, and it didn’t work out. It has to do with all that ‘old programming’ or blocks. It won’t allow it. You want your brain to support what you want rather than work against you. 

Have The Extraordinary Love You Want- Journey Into The Heart is for you if:

- You have invested time and work into a relationships, and it didn’t work out, time and time again.
- It’s been crickets-you aren’t meet anybody.
- You are tired of waiting for the right ‘one’ to come along.
- You are sick and tired of getting on and off the dating merry go round.
- You are in a relationship and it’s not quite what you want.

I know that you are powerful beyond measure.

I know that you know how to attract and have what you want but somehow in the love arena things are just not going your way.

You know that if you do things differently, you can create the change you need in your life to make extraordinary love happen.

Are willing to invest in your healing and make different choices so your life CAN be different?

Topics We Will Deep Dive Into:

  • How to identify and release core wounds that block you from experiencing love

  • How to stop your habits and patterns that keep you from experiencing your highest potential in love

  • How to identify your triggers and how to manage them

  • How to communicate so he will listen and be drawn to you

  • How to identify your wants and needs in a relationship

  • How to get your core needs meet so that you are not settling from crumbs

  • How to build trust in yourself and in your partner

  • How to heal your heart for real

  • How to rewire your brain for love

  • How to create healthy boundaries and how to stick to them

  • How to be more authentically you


What’s Included:

  • 90-minute sessions once a week for a total of three months (12 sessions, 18 hours total session time). We meet once a week to keep you on track! 

  • Live Zoom calls, which will be recorded in case you can’t make a call-you’ll never miss a session.

  • Homework for deep inquiry

  • Worksheets to keep you organized

  • Private Facebook Group for ongoing Q&A, and so you can interact with other women on their love journey.

  • Unlimited access to me throughout the entire three months

After Have The Extraordinary Love You Want - Journey Into The Heart 12-week Love Manifestation Circle, YOU WILL:

  • Turn your life around!

  • Stop your habits and patterns that block you from experiencing true love

  • Gain unstoppable confidence, self-love and self-esteem to know you deserve the legendary love you want.

  • Clarity. Clarity of what you want and need to be successful in love

  • Know and love yourself more than ever have before

  • Stop your deeply ingrained stories that you’ve been telling yourself and that have been playing out in your life for years; the one’s that have kept you stuck.

  • Stop giving your power away every time you meet a man who has love interest for you.

  • Be empowered, radiant and ready for when the real deal shows up!



  • Womb Empowerment audio series

  • Free access to bi-monthly Tap Into Love and Abundance calls

  • Kundalini videos for balancing the masculine and the feminine and for opening your heart to love

  • 5 Powerful Love Empowerment mantras

  • “Radical Self-Care Guide” to have more love in your life right now

  • 14 day detox of mind, body, spirit

  • Ayurvedic recipes for healthy living

  • Get feedback/rewrite of your online photos and profile

Are You Committed To Your Self-Growth, Your Love Life And Getting The Love And Intimacy You Want?

I am deeply committed to my work which involves you! and making sure that this course delivers incredible results so you feel 100% clear, confident and empowered to go out into the world and know that you deserve, can and will get the love you want (if it didn’t happen during the course)!!!

You will gain the tools, get the clarity, support, and have the ambition to get there!

Like a fairy Godmother, I am here to love you up, support you, believe in you, and be your best ally on this journey of love-every step of the way!


Have The Love You Want: Journey Into The Heart, A 12-week Love Manifestation Circle
Deposit today of $333
3 Payments of $333, 1 Payment $163


****As the group progresses, if you want more personalized one-on-one support,
I offer private, individualized one hour sessions.

If you are interested and maybe on the fence, if you have any questions about any or all of this, please feel free to schedule a connection call with me. All you have to do is click on the button below.


~ "Jennevieve is an incredible inspiration for women. She helps you to unlock certain areas in yourself, and open up to your radiant gifts as a woman, being, and to your own love. Her work is really powerful in this way. It’s a special experience, unlike any I have had before. It’s rooted in love, in opening and in learning to love yourself even deeper. Working with Jennevieve was an incredible experience. Her affirmations, her video tutorials, her support, is so special. She helps you find new ways of seeing yourself, new ways of opening to your own love and new ways of loving yourself. She is motivating, empowering and the tools she helped me access are so valuable. I am incredibly thankful for her work. Thank you Jennevieve!" -Joslyn, Oakland, CA

~ “Jennevieve is very knowledgeable, easygoing, and a true professional. The first time we met it was almost like I was practicing for a date. Our phone meetings felt very personal and Jennevieve directed me to better understand myself and the ideal relationship that would work for me. There were many discoveries along the way! I have gone through a couple of relationships while working with Jennevieve. She provided me with great tools and when I did not follow them, I developed a false sense of connection with a man who was not a good match. I would highly recommend working with Jennevieve to help you with your relationship and love. Her personal touch and support helped me build confidence and consider possibilities I never considered before I was in a situation with a man. I felt well prepared for all of the interactions that take place during dating. She helped me understand men and dating. Also, our times together felt fun, even though important work was done. She is an expert and provided me with the tools needed not just to meet a good man, but in life in general.”  -Lana Jaber, San Francisco, CA

“While many of us eventually learn that relationship success truly comes from a healthy relationship to self, cultivating an ongoing effective dialogue to examine my truth was what I believed I needed the most support with.  Jennevieve provided a delicious and dynamic process in the safest of containers to explore choices, values, and next-steps. As a mirror and witness, we engaged in excavating hopes, dreams, and choices which has helped me gain deeper insight and understanding of my connections and choices. Her ability to help cultivate a 360-degree inventory and subsequent navigation into my personal process, progress, including my identifying how deficiencies, strengths, and old stories serve and drive (or don't serve/drive) me. This this, we explored that which I could consider fully accepting/embracing and/or letting go...and in this, she was masterful.

Jennevieve's questions prompted me to appraise my present relationship and desires and have led to even more fulfillment as well as more choices to cultivate and nourish relationships that are growth-ful, deepening and meet me where I'm at. For this, I'm extremely grateful. I most appreciate how comfortable it has been to share my vulnerabilities (and victories) in order to help inform these next steps. Instead of choosing from a place of fear, habit, complacence, or "settling," I've emerged, after Jennevieve's sessions, with a greater awareness, new perspectives, clear-minded, and with excitement about better choices and actions driven not from old stories no longer serving me, but a vision of worth and value that meets my desires. If you're seeking a targeted, compassionate process to be a better friend, partner, and life-live-r, definitely work with J. Like...now.” - Bara S, Oakland

I look forward to connecting with and at the possibility of working together and supporting in this transformational, life changing experience.

If you have not and would like to learn more about me, please visit my website: jennevieveybarra.com

Jennevieve Ybarra
